Maths Busking, maths through street performance since 2010

Festivals and Community Projects

All events are bespoke. Here are some of the packages available. All packages have a secondary and primary version.

Give Me Maths

The original Maths Busking show.
Interactions with audience members can range
from 1 min to 10mins (or even more) depending on what you want to achieve. Options include: families, young children, mixed ages and backgrounds, or even nerds.

Maths Story Telling

People love stories. We sneak in some
maths in these ones. Options include:
families, young children, mixed ages and backgrounds, or even nerds. Topics can be discussed.

I wanna be a Maths Busker

Two day training programme preparing volunteers, youth workers or others to perform Maths Busking style.

My Way

Would you rather have a stall with activities?
Or a mixture of shows and workshops? You would like bespoke training for your staff or something else with entertaining maths? We do it your way.

Let us know what you want to achieve. Contact us on